Christian Post: Paula White on Donald Trump’s Christian Faith (Exclusive Interview)

In an exclusive interview with The Christian Post, Pastor Paula White talks about Donald Trump’s faith and why she supports him for president. She also responds directly to the many Christians who either don’t support Trump or are still unsure of who to vote for this November.

James Dobson recently reported he had heard that Paula White led Donald Trump to Christ, and Trump is now a “baby Christian.” CP asked White about that, as well as other questions about Trump’s faith. White also responded to criticisms that she is a proponent of the prosperity gospel.

White, senior pastor at New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, was one of Trump’s early supporters. In September 2015, she was one of about 40 religious leaders who met with Trump for a private prayer service at Trump Tower in New York. Last month, she attended Trump’s meeting with over 900 evangelical leaders and was appointed to Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has struggled with issues related to his claim that he is a Christian. He declined to name his favorite Bible verse. Later, he cited a verse that’s not in the Bible as his favorite while claiming no one knows the Bible better than him. He said he never asked for forgiveness, a necessary step to becoming a follower of Jesus Christ, because he hasn’t done anything that needed to be forgiven. He claims to be a Presbyterian and a member of Marble Collegiate Church, but Marble Collegiate is not Presbyterian and has no record of him being a member. And, at a Liberty University speech, he referred to 2 Corinthians as “two Corinthians” and then blamed Tony Perkins for giving him the scripture and writing it as “2 Corinthians.”

Trump also has taken positions considered anathema by his Christian critics. He advocates the use of miliary force that might result in the killing of family members of terrorists, including innocent civilians and children, in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism. He has made supportive statements about Planned Parenthood. And, he has made many statements considered anti-Mexican, anti-Muslim and anti-woman.

After Trump’s August 2015 meeting with White and other religious leaders, Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, described the meeting as outreach to heretics.

“The people that Trump has so far identified as his evangelical outreach are mostly prosperity gospel types, which are considered by mainstream evangelicals to be heretics,” he told Politico at the time.

White responds to many of these criticisms in this interview.

Read more at Paula White on Donald Trump’s Christian Faith (Exclusive Interview). 
