Los Angeles, Calif. — The KAIROS Company releases the following statements from evangelical leaders on the passing of Professor Elie Wiesel:

“Elie Wiesel awoke the world’s conscience to the horror of the Holocaust. May we not forget him, his message of peace and human dignity, and the responsibility he has left each of us to defend the oppressed.”

Dr. Ronnie Floyd

Pastor, Cross Church

President, Southern Baptist Convention (2014-2016)

Elie Wiesel taught us that the work of recording history is not just for the historian; it’s the responsibility of each of us. He also taught us that fighting for peace is the duty of every man and women on earth. May we in our own dark nights remember Wiesel’s lessons and choose to not be quiet in the face of evil.”

David Jeremiah

Senior Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church

Founder, Turning Point Ministries

“We have lost a man of great courage in Elie Wiesel.  Perhaps, today more than ever we need men and women like him, who will wake up the world’s conscience and speak up for innocent human life, which is God’s first gift to us. The world grieves a great man who took all of his personal pain and tried his best to use it for our collective good.”

Pastor Greg Laurie

Senior Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship

Today,  we mourn with all who consider themselves part of the Elie Wiesel family, and honor the legacy of one of the great moral leaders of our time.  His book, Night, gave voice to the six million Jews who died during the Holocaust. May we always remember them for ‘to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.’  We live in an age when violence and racism continue to characterize much of the world and in a time when the Jewish people still face threats to their very existence.  In memory of Elie Wiesel, let us have the courage to speak up against evil and to never forget.”

Gordon Robertson

Chief Executive Officer, Christian Broadcasting Network

“What would the world look like without Elie Wiesel? Indifferent, callous, ignorant. Let us celebrate Wiesel’s life today, who like a piercing alarm jolted us from our stupor to reconsider mankind’s sense of morality. His legacy calls us to trumpet justice in this increasingly dark world.”

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez

President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Author, Be Light

Note: Background information on each, is available here:
